Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Reducing admissions with telehealth or should this be called telenursing?

Perhaps this should be called telenursing?
Helen Rollings, community matron at Swindon PCT, explains the trust's decision to mainstream its telehealth service. (From eHealth Insider,01/21/2009)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

President-Elect Urges Electronic Medical Records in 5 Years

It apppers the president elect "gets it" on the use of EMR?

The 2008 Medical Weblog Awards Nominees

Congratulations to Peter Jones or being nominated as one of
The 2008 Medical Weblog Awards Nominees
You can find Peters web site at http://hodges-model.blogspot.com/ or you can link from my blog..

Monday, January 5, 2009

NHS trust to monitor mental health via text

A text messaging-based system aimed at monitoring the mental health of patients in the U.K. has proven so successful that it is slated to be expanded across the trust later in the new year. The approach grew out of a collaboration with Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Mental Health and Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Leveraging Next-Gen Wi-Fi to Transform Healthcare

Interesting article on Leveraging Next-Gen Wi-Fi to Transform Healthcare from Wi-Fi PLanet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Free Medical Software-open source

From Germany, but in English