Thursday, August 30, 2007

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Election 2008 - August 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Kaiser Tracking Poll Finds Health Care Follows Only Iraq Among Issues The Public Wants Presidential Candidates to Talk About In the Campaign

Health Care Second To Iraq Among Both Republicans and Independents, While Democrats For the First Time Rank The Two Issues Equally Among Topics They Want Candidates To Discuss

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: Election 2008 - August 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

Looking for partnerships

Fraunhofer IGD ( is looking for partners (companies and/or universities and/or organizations) to complete the consortium for a telemedicine project, which is going to operate in ACP countries ( , Africa and Caribean and Pacific counries) and MEDITERRANEAN PARTNER COUNTRIES ( Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinianadministered areas, Syrian Arab, Tunisia)
Eligible partners to join the consortium can be seen partners coming form ACP, MPC countries or Europe and having medical background and previously worked in telemedicine projects.

The project will aim to the maternity and child care. We are going to develop a medical network that addresses the problems of providing maternal health care from a distance. The medical network will be supported by expert physicians located in urban cities of Africa and Europe. The medical applications will focus on pre-natal and maternal care and in extend to both gynaecology and paediatrics and typical infectious diseases for the region such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis.
The examinations will involve ultrasound examination (2D and/or 3D), blood test and blood test imaging for automation diagnosis. All the patient information, extracted from the examinations will be stored in a healthcare database, along with the demographic information and medication prescription.
The project will aim to generate, share and use knowledge through research partnerships with third countries in the areas identified through bi-regional dialogues with third countries/regions and international fora, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit. Research areas may include: health policy research, health systems and health care service research, neglected infectious diseases and emerging unforeseen policy needs in those regions, as well as other topics of strategic importance.

Best wishes,

---------------------------------------------------Fraunhofer IGDDepartment Cognitive Computing & Medical ImagingIlias Sachpazidis phone:+49/(0)/6151/155 507Fraunhoferstr. 5 fax :+49/(0)/6151/155 480D-64283 Darmstadt Ilias.Sachpazidis@igd.fhg.deGermany

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Petra Wilson and Christopher Nolan appointed HIMSS EMEA Governing Council Chair and Vice Chair

Petra Wilson, a Director for Public Sector Healthcare in Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), has been elected Chair of the HIMSS EMEA Governing Council. Christopher Nolan from the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland is appointed Vice Chair. Both were unanimously elected by the HIMSS EMEA Governing Council on 2 July 2007, and will serve for one year, until 30 June 2008.

"I am honoured by the confidence and trust that my colleagues on the Council have shown, and feel privileged to be part of HIMSS' mission to advance the uptake of health IT. I fully support the mission and goals of HIMSS and look forward to working with my colleagues on the Council and the staff in the Brussels office on expanding HIMSS' efforts in the EMEA region," said Petra Wilson.

Petra Wilson has for the past 18 months held the post of Director for Public Sector Healthcare in Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). Prior to her current position, she was Deputy Director of the European Health Management Association (EHMA) in Brussels, where she was responsible for the development of its relations with the European Commission and other EU Institutions. This role enabled her to advise a wide number of European healthcare organisations on EU health policies. Petra is originally from the UK, is fluent in German and French, and holds a doctorate in public health law from Oxford University.

"I have been an "international" member of HIMSS for some 15 years and in recent years our number, as well as attendance at HIMSS events, has grown. HIMSS EMEA is a clear answer to our contribution and I am delighted to be a member of its inaugural Council and Vice Chair," said Chris Nolan.

Christopher Nolan has more than thirty years of experience working in health IT. His past and current positions also include Director of Healthcare Informatics Training Services Ltd. in Ireland, founder member of the HealthCare Informatics Society of Ireland and the Healthcare Informatics Standards Committee of the National Standards Authority of Ireland, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Fellow of the Irish Computer Society, board member of the EuroRec Institute and joint owner of a nursing home, residential home and community care organisation. He has worked on acute care hospital information systems, laboratories, pharmacy, radiology and imaging, as well as all other departments including finance and administration.

"I look forward to working with Dr. Wilson and Mr. Nolan. They complement each other well: their combined forty-five years experience spans almost all aspects and sectors of health IT in the region, and they bring enormous expertise and knowledge to HIMSS EMEA," said Michael Strübin, HIMSS EMEA Executive Director.

The ten-member HIMSS EMEA Governing Council is composed of health IT professionals from Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and represents various countries, regions, constituencies and language communities. The Council provides strategic advice and guidance to the HIMSS EMEA office that was opened in Brussels in September 2006. The HIMSS EMEA office offers information, networking and professional development services specifically targeted towards health IT professionals in the EMEA region.