Med-e-Tel 2008, the International Educational and Networking Forum for eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT, is just around the corner. Scheduled for 16-18 April, the event will again feature speakers, participants and exhibitors from some 50 countries around the world, presenting on a wide variety of ehealth and telemedicine topics.
The Med-e-Tel 2008 opening session on April 16th includes welcome addresses and presentations by:
Mars Di Bartolomeo, Minister of Health and Social Security, Luxembourg
Dr. Yunkap Kwankam, eHealth Coordinator, World Health Organization
Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich, President, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth
Prof. Giuseppe Tritto, President, World Academy of Biomedical Technologies (ICET/UNESCO)
Michael Palmer, Project Officer, ICT for Health Unit, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
Nick Fahy, Head of Unit, Health Information Unit, DG Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission
David Whitlinger, President and Chairman, Continua Health Alliance
Dr. Bill Crounse, Senior Director, Worldwide Health, Microsoft
Dr. Joseph Kvedar, Director, Center for Connected Health, Partners HealthCare
Dr. Loretta Sclachta-Fairchild, President & CEO, iTeleHealth
Prof. Dr. Harald Korb, Medical Director, Vitaphone
Additional program highlights include
A session on "Product Interoperability Architecture" presented by the Continua Health Alliance, focusing on the how and why of product interoperability in a telehealth ecosystem
A panel discussion on "Telehealth - From Promises to Sustainability" held by the i2010 eHealth Industry Stakeholders Group (with representatives of a.o. IHE-Europe, EHTEL and Continua), examining the challenges and opportunities encountered in deploying telehealth services, looking in particular at issues concerning the European market place and technology needs as well as the regulatory framework and governance of the whole ecosystem.
Extensive focus on "personal telehealth" applications, experiences and research in various sessions dealing with "Telehealth and Chronic Disease Management", "Telehealth, Telecare and Services for the Ageing", "Telehealth in Support of Self Care".
A workshop on the topic of "Living Labs" with presentation of some existing initiatives in various European countries, user feedback, transition from 'lab' to 'reality', and roadmaps ahead.
An overview of "International Telemedicine & eHealth Initiatives and Developments" by members of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), focusing on the current state of telemedicine and ehealth in a.o. Austria, Brazil, Finland, France, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland and Ukraine.
A mini symposium on "Telenursing", a growing application, offering possibilities to reduce the use of expensive healthcare services, to reduce hospital admissions or length of stay, to perform regular check-ups on patients with chronic conditions, to spread limited resources over a large population, and to increase access to nurse education. The telenursing session will include an introduction to telenursing, results from a global telenursing survey, and some real life experiences from the United States.
Also a session on "Nursing Informatics: Past, Present and Future", looking at the support of nursing by information systems in delivery, documentation, administration and evaluation of patient care and prevention of diseases.
A session on "eHealth for Developing Countries and Low Resource Settings", presided by the World Health Organization's eHealth Coordinator and showing ICT's contributions to healthcare delivery and capacity building in the developing world.
On a related subject, there will also be a special training session on "How to Develop and Implement eHealth and Telemedicine Solutions" presented by the expert group on Question 14 "Telecommunications for eHealth" within the International Telecommunication Union. The training looks at strategic planning issues for the development and implementation of ehealth services in the various areas of health sectors and the required coordination between healthcare and telecommunications authorities in the implementation of national ehealth programs (which have been recommended to all countries by the World Health Organization in its Resolution WHA58.28).
A workshop on "Facilitating Collaboration to Facilitate Tele-Success", focusing on effective collaboration among 'projects' and existing technologies to create an accessible, cost-effective healthcare information system. The session will zoom in on topics such as "From the Bottom Up: Designing from the User Perspective", "What Else Is Going On? – Building a Project Database", "Practical Considerations: Infrastructure, Links, and Tools" and "Price-Performance via Open Source Tools".
A session on "Micro and Nano-Intelligent Technologies for Biomedical Applications. The Meta-Engineering Approach: ICT Implementing MIMETS Technologies in Medical and Surgical Care", presented by the World Academy of Biomedical Technologies, focusing on hybrid systems for interactive decision-making, information sensing technologies, remote healthcare monitoring, micro and nano technology, and innovative biomaterials.
Various sessions Telecardiology, Health Informatics, eLearning, eHealth in Support of Routine Medical Practice, Efficiency in eHealth, Telepsychiatry and Behavioural Telehealth, Teledermatology and Image Transfer, Mobile Health, New Trends in eHealth showing what works and what doesn't, as well as what exists or what is under development in telemedicine, ehealth and health ICT systems and solutions.
A regional (BeLux) seminar organized by the Luxembourg CRP-Santé (Public Institute for Research in Healthcare, Public Health and Biotechnology) about "Clinical Strategy and the Use of Balanced Scorecards", showing how to create and successfully use balanced scorecards to improve clinical outcomes and overall management. The seminar provides a look at experiences from some of the leading hospitals and organizations in Belgium, France, Germany and Luxembourg.
Meeting of the UNESCO Space for Science Project, coordinated by the World Academy of Biomedical Technologies, discussing the challenges and perspectives of the space for science project, the roadmap for life sciences and health sciences implementing ICT services and providers. The project aims to facilitate scientific and technical cooperation in South-East Europe by providing virtual, collaborative and education services to academic and higher education institutions through fast academic networks and two-way satellite channels. The project is supported by ESA and an industrial consortium specifically set-up by ESA for this purpose.
Meeting of the ISfTeH Board of Directors and an ISfTeH Member Breakfast Meeting.
Overall, Med-e-Tel offers great networking opportunities. It is the perfect forum to share experiences and knowledge and a chance to gain new insights and to establish new contacts and partnerships. Med-e-Tel also offers the opportunity to see and evaluate actual products, technologies and services and to find out how they can be beneficial for you, your organization, or your health system.
Med-e-Tel 2008 conference program details are available at You can also stay up-to-date with program and expo news via the Med-e-Tel
Registration information and a registration form are available at